
38 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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The animation is pretty smooth and the style works. My biggest problem is the voices. Did you use a voice simulation program? If so, its lacking the expressiveness that could really make the video. Experiment with actual dialogue and then modifying it to fit the characters. But overall, nice job.

TheRealNat23 responds:

I did use a voice simulation program.

While it is essentially the same few frames repeating over and over, the movements fit the song and the characters are well selected. It just gets boring.

111122223188 responds:

it goes with any song!

Kind of a shame that you scrapped the idea. You definitely had the skill to pull something off. Though I would have replaced some of the hand-drawn stuff with recolored sprites. They just looked out of place.

LordAsylus responds:

Okey, thanks!

Not much to it. But like you said, that's what all you were aiming for. What animation it does have is smooth and the drawing style is pretty neat.

Sin-sister responds:

Thanks for the even-handed response, TCKnight :]

Well, didn't expect a necrophilia joke. Delightfully, if morbidly, surprised.

blackfrancis567 responds:


I hadn't seen any of your previous animations before this, but I really enjoyed it. I'm going to go back and watch the previous ones right now. Great technical skill and good story.

vezanmatics responds:

thank you! And yes i do recommend seeing the prior animations to get a better sense of what is going on.

This was a near-perfect combination of narrative, visual style, and music. If I were suggest anything for improvement, it would be perhaps getting a better mic/work on voice-editing, but you already acknowledge this in your post. I enjoyed it very much and will have to share it with others in the future.

exninja123 responds:

thanks! :)

This is a pretty solid animation. Liked the style and the music. If you could set up a place where you could upload a better-quality video, I'd definitely would like to see it. Good job.

airman4 responds:

Yep thanks very much !

I uploaded that on my youtube account and my deviant page anyway.

too bad i can't upload more than 10 mb files so the quality is awful

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