
111 Movie Reviews

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I found the video to be a very skillful use of imagery and allegory to draw parallels with the salvation story. I especially liked the depictions of the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) and how their interactions with the beast-men of the story was not vengeful or antagonistic, but more of a stern outreach. My only gripe is the death and resurrection of the Son was too quick, downplaying the significance of the event and confusing what the act actually stood for.

At first I thought something was wrong with the audio, but then I read your post. With that in mind, it's a nice piece of animation. The style is basic, but clean. I would work on improving the smoothness of the animation, since right now it is clear when you skip from frame to frame (but since you did it under such time constraints, I have to say I'm impressed with how clean it does look).

songiesworld responds:

Thanks! I'll be doing something with this story line fleshed out. There will definitely be audio then with smoother animation.

Very nice animation. I always look forward to your stuff.

A little random, but loved Grunty's rhyming. That brought back memories...

foxfinity responds:

Dex did a amazing job on Grunty he is a really good voice actor.

The art style could use some work, but it was a cute concept that met expectations. I think the strongest aspect of the video was the audio. I think almost every sound was appropriate and synced up exactly where it should have been. Spend a little more time on developing a visual style and I think you'll see a lot of improvement.

tsurugikage responds:

Alright I'll be sure to take that in for consideration and I'll do my damnedest to make it happen.
Thanks for the feedback.

Yay! Another Swingers! I was hoping there would be another installment. The voice recordings still need work, but the overall effect is enjoyable none-the-less. Especially loved the choice in music during the fight.

You've got the character's personality right and I like where you are going with the humor. The story needs a little more structure to bring out the fullness of Charlie Buchanan that you showed in the introductory game. Also work a bit on the animation. I think there might have been too many conflicting styles, which served as a distraction.

Only played the demo, so don't know if this is based on canon stuff or just you fooling around with the concepts from the game, but great job. Animation was smooth and the different ways the three characters died were fun to watch. Wish it was a little long, that's all.

Age 38, Male


Indiana, USA

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