
111 Movie Reviews

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Quick and dirty. Liked the animation style and how deliberately lame the joke was.

Blitzgerald responds:

And I like you.

Very sweet and to the point. I thought the animation was very smooth and I like the modifications you made to the baby Mario sprite to make it Randy.

ToonCastleTV responds:

Thanks dude! Doing the randy custom was fun =) Glad you liked it!

I was hoping for more. It was a nice concept, which was why I clicked on it, but it didn't even come close to what I had in mind. To each his own, but it would be nice if you had put a bit more effort into this.

DubbaNinja responds:

Thanks for the C&C guys, It was my first flash animation and I know my humor isn't to most tastes. I will take this idea further and create a sequal with a story and planned out characters!

This was your first video in this style? I'm going to have to see what you did with stick figures because this was pretty good. The only shortcomings were details when you looked closely at the creature or scenery. Overall, this was very good.

Great work. I'm tempted to say that your work here beats the quality of the actual show (smoother, less of a "hinge" movement as body parts move, which I sometimes notice). You put a lot of work into this and it shows. Good work.

The production value of the video is pretty spot on and I think it's nice that you are using the medium to spread your message. However, the message is an over-simplification of complexities of the human condition and the role of faith. You are right in calling everyone to strive and be being better, moral people. However, you are equating small acts with truly criminal events and in the course of the video suggest that you know the mind of God.

Always strive to reach the ideal God has placed before us, but if there should be an eleventh commandment, it is this: Never claim to know the thoughts of the Lord, your God, nor claim your own for His.

Your art and style are pretty top-notch and the voice acting was good as well. But without the video description the viewer would have no idea what the father was objecting to (painted finger nails are not necessarily exclusive to gay men).

I also question the transforming of the "gay" man into a monster. I agree it's fun to turn controversial topics on their head for satirical purposes, but in the minimalist environment that is the plot of the video, it's difficult to decide where the humor is supposed to land: Is the father's fear unreasonable or is the video a simple dehumanizing of the gay identity?

Sorry if I read into this a bit much. But I'm sure others will, too. Just hoping you will clarify the intent of the video.

Kinda bizarre, but I liked it a lot.

Age 38, Male


Indiana, USA

Joined on 2/7/12

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