
137 Game Reviews

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While the style of the game is fine and the game itself runs smoothly, I have to say that the level of difficulty curve is WAY to steep at the start. The enemies took too long to kill before they built up in sufficient numbers to make dodging almost impossible. It took me several tries just to get enough points to boost my energy so I wasn't sniped out of the sky under 5 seconds.

Once I finally got past that first stage, it felt like I was starting all over on the next level. There are also two blind spots: 1) the enemy-spawning shed on the level, under which they can hide and you can't hit them and 2) the opposite wall due to robobird's wingspan (enemies are small enough to hide in it). My recommendation for this is to add some sort of dodge mechanism to make avoiding enemy fire easier (robobird is too large) and to address the difficulty scale.

Otherwise, nice job.

This is a pretty decent point-and-click adventure game. Straight-forward but with enough challenge that you have to think a bit for things to work. My only complaints are that the art style was a little crude and it was sometimes difficult to navigate some of the room.

It's a workable re-hash of the cannon-based physics puzzle game. The penguins are cute and the theme is nice. I think the screen size is a little small with the angles you have to shoot sometimes and everything seems like the same "mass," so it doesn't feel like the penguins have a lot of oomph! when the collide with anything. Retooling the physics to make things more dynamic would be a good improvement.

I agree with your general viewpoint, but the SOPA/PIPA rant was confusing and the other options weren't very entertaining. Yanking away the fulfillment factor isn't going to when you a lot of points, regardless of the point you are trying to make.

Lenke responds:

i agree, yes why not, i lost my self to much times yes...

The music was nice, if repetitive, and I like the art style for the game. Like others have said, the firing mechanism needs a little work. Example: on level 4 the chain keeps getting stuck on the wall, causing my shots to be too short. If I compensate, I overshoot and can't get the middle guy. It just might be too early in the day for me to figure it out, but that's just what I'm seeing.

Age 38, Male


Indiana, USA

Joined on 2/7/12

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