
137 Game Reviews

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Having never seen Deck'd, I expected this game to be a cynical parody of the "X saves Christmas" genre of movies. I was so surprised to see the trope played straight as well as written in such an enjoyable fashion. I think I might have a new holiday tradition in the works.

This is everything a game should be: Easy to learn, a challenge to master, but fun the whole time you're playing it!

whileworking responds:

Thank you sir!

So frustrating, but so good because of it. I think the music toggle button isn't working.

Gameitnow responds:

Thanks! There is a background music button and a sound effect button, please push both of them if you want to stop all sounds.

The controls are sluggish and nonresponsive, which makes any level of play frustrating. Didn't even both playing long enough to see if the power-ups were worth it. The selection of music could also use some re-visiting; it became grating over time.

Nice concept and good music to go with it. But it is a real pain when you have to start a level right from the beginning.

This is one of the more inventive games that I've seen on Newgrounds in a while. Despite the need for polish, your natural selection for the minions is very organic and the level of change each generation is fun to follow. I would recommend the following for future iterations:

1) Story: Add some context for the actions of the minion master. The game is fun, but giving him a purpose would take it to the next level.
2) More control over the minions: Being able to give them standing orders (attack, defend, carry, etc) while keeping their spastic movement patterns might be a challenge, but could be fun. These commands would have to be group oriented since I wouldn't want to sub-select minions. Plus, with the ever-changing attributes of the minions, it would force the player to adapt play-strategy as well.

Fairly decent start for a game like this. The style is headed in the right direction, but it seems just a bit unpolished. The game play mechanic is fine, but I think the lumberjack's speed is slow and the tree spacing is too far apart to give the player satisfaction that they are chopping down a ton of tree.

I liked it. It was simple, but the brevity of the game allowed for you to go through multiple times without getting too bored. There does seem to be a glitch where the character, if they go through a left-side door for the final scene, walks all the way to the far edge and then gets stuck there.

bigdaddytool responds:

Thanks for playing and rating, and thanks for spotting that bug. This is my first game so I never expected things to go perfectly.

In any case the bug has been fixed and there should be no way for the player to get stuck on either side of the screen.

Age 38, Male


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