
137 Game Reviews

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This is a very interesting concept for a game and I liked your execution. Very promising.

One thing to note for the future: In your tutorial you paint the murderer as mentally ill and generalize that the mentally ill are inherently violent. The inverse is true: Mentally ill people are more often the victims of violence than the perpetrators. I think you would benefit if you removed such a reference from your game and used a different motivation.

I am really enjoying this game, but I stumbled on something. Not sure if this is intended or a glitch:

In the dragon-riding bonus level, I don't like how you take damage from merely letting the enemies pass you. It makes no sense in the context of the game. What are you guarding back there? Having to destroy every enemy in front of you to pass seems an unnecessary burden, coupled with the fact that the block for picking up the gems seems smaller than the one to get damaged by enemies.

The glitch, if it is one, is the fact that this level seems to run on an endless loop if you don't pass it. I'm not given an option to leave like the 8-bit ghost level. As a bonus level, I don't see this as a good element because it is forcing the player to repeat a part of the game multiple times if they fail, that they could have easily passed by.

It's functional. That's the most I can say for it.

It's a nice platformer, but some of the level designs need work. There are some where if you miss a jump, you can't get some of the nuts without restarting the level. There should be a way to get back up there if you want. I also found in one of the levels that by going to one side of the map, it was impossible to get to the other, because a platform would block your jump and land you right on a spike trap.

Very fun and interesting. Just wished you had added more color cause the color scheme is a little drab.

Cute game, though it doesn't offer too much reward for multiple play-throughs. It would have also been nice if the top level of the screen was higher then the rabbit's max jump, since that way it couldn't get killed by spawning spiked balls that hadn't appeared on the screen yet.

Age 38, Male


Indiana, USA

Joined on 2/7/12

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